September 15, 2014

Hello Miss Brand Ambassador- Single Wives Weekend

Hello Darlings, HAPPY TUESDAY!!!
So I have some EXCITING news to share. 
I have accepted an AMAZING opportunity to be a Brand Ambassador for the upcoming
Single Wives Weekend here in Atlanta, Ga hosted by the Single Wives Club.

About "The Single Wives Club
 They "educates, empowers and inspires single ladies to become better women before
 becoming wives by living happy, healthy, wealthy lives".  I LOVE concept.
Most women like myself are always to looking for opportunities to learn 
from powerful and positive ambitious women. 

About- the Single Wives Weekend
 The Single Wives Weekend includes 5 events in 3 days. 
 Friday October 17th with the Single, Sexy, Direct Event that will teach 
the importance of self-love and awareness.

-Begins with the BYOB (Be Your Own Boss) Business Conference & Luncheon (meal included) 
and a werkshops on relationships, self-love, business, finances, health and lots of fabulous vendors.
-Pre-game event is the Get in the Game Dating WERKshop 
Posh Lounge for the Luhv 2 Live live show and after party. 

The weekend ends Sunday October 18th with the Big Hat Brunch (meal included) 
Hosted by "The Wives Society". 
Where they will share the ins and outs of marriage and all about being a wife. 

Use my Personalize Links HERE to get your weekend passes for ALL the events. 
Weekend passes are $145 which includes access to all 5 events, 2 meals and ride vouchers for Lyft and Uber.
If in need of a hotel, the host hotel for the weekend is Castleberry Inn
Use discount code  WIVES. 
Friday: Studio Burlesque
Saturday: Taylor-Brawner Hall//Castleberry Inn Hospitality Suite//Posh Lounge
 Sunday- Paschal's Restaurant

"The purpose of Single Wives Weekend is to educate and empower women to live a life they 
LOVE! This weekend will renew your mind, body and spirit!"

It truly is a weekend you don't want to miss.
Get your passed now SINGLE WIVES WEEKEND 2014

Priiincesss Clothing will also be a vendor during the Business Conference
Thanks for stopping by
And don't forget to get you PASSES ;) 
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