September 25, 2014

Healthy Living: This Weeks Meals

Yes, I am still on my Healthy LifeSTYLE and surprisingly I'm doing pretty good!!
As if right now I'm sticking to the things I like.
Such as chicken, sweet potatoes, SPINACH, OMG, I love me some spinach.
I did add broccoli and corn this week and next week I will try some recipes 
It's four meals for four days because I've been VERY lazy and cook on Tuesday instead of Sunday. 
Don't judge me. I just wanna relax and do lil to nothing on Sundays. 
Gotta have my grapes :)
Thanks for stopping by!!!
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1 comment:

  1. You are doing your thing with those meal preps. I can take a lesson or two on that.

    Thrifting Diva
