July 22, 2013

Monday Madness: Atlanta Fashion Week

Hey darlings, happy Monday and welcome back to MONDAY MADNESS!!!! 
 I am SUPER EXCITED about this week because it is "ATLANTA FASHION WEEK" and yours truly will be at EVERY show looking FABULOUS and ready to cover all the runway action!!!!!
I cannot wait to meet and greet new faces and mingle with my Atlanta fashion friends.... Now lets talk about my outfit options. I'm thinking  1 or 2 Priiincesss.com dresses, a vintage jumpsuit that I scored from the thrift store last month, some black and white mix-prints fun and maybe my Carrie Bradshaw inspired skirt, but not sure how I'm gonna style it yet.
Ok, I'll stop going on and on about ATLANTA FASHION WEEK now and get on with the party, lol.

On to the Party:  I am sooo happy that you are here, thank you sooo much for linking up every week, its been an absolute pleasure partying with you all. As always there are NO RULES to party with me, just link whatever you'll like to share, grab the button if you like and let's partyyyyyyyy

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting! Always fun to see what everyone is up to. Hope you have a great week!
