June 02, 2013

Church Chic: Leopard Overdose

Hey hunnies, HAPPY SUNDAY!!! I know I haven't been blogging much but to be honest I haven't been getting dress up, I have no desire to get all dress for work in the morning  and I haven't been attending much events lately. Just been working and focusing on Priiincesss.com BUT I will get it together and snap out of it soon ;)....

Ok, now about what I wore to church this morning, I thrifted this FABULOUS skirt a while back and FINALLY got the chance to wear it!!! So, of course I went on a leopard over-dose and style it with my fave thrifted leopard blouse and my green ShoeDazzle classic pumps for a splash of color!!

What do you guys think of the look, too much leopard? or theres no such thing as too much leopard? 
Blouse, Skirt, & Belt are Thrifted...Shoes: ShoeDazzle


  1. Nope... definitely no such thing as too much leopard! Love the shoes!
    You should swing by and link up with my new fashion link party... it goes live every Friday! ''Passion For Fashion'' :)

  2. Mrs_Jack_of_all_tradesJune 3, 2013 at 1:57 PM

    I LOVE the skirt, girl!


    MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)


  3. Girl, give me this look! Love it!
